COLUMN: Prepare well when traveling abroad

Claire Dunn

Lost for something to do this summer? Dreading the endless days of nothing to do? Want something new and exciting? Well, read on to find out how you can make your summer one to remember.

This is a very basic guide of how to travel around Europe to unique and fascinating countries. First off, I’m not going to lie to you. Money is a big theme when you go traveling, but at least you have plenty of time to start putting away the pennies. The main expense is the plane ticket, but there are thousands of good deals on the Internet, so shop around. The following Web sites are very helpful, especially to student travelers.




You can get a wealth of information from them so check them out well in advance of your trip.

The big must of traveling is to plan your trip. This helps you make the most of your time abroad without wasting it. For instance, traveling through the day when you can do it at night. The Eu-rail will help you do this. It is a sound investment to make as it gives you access to the greatest amount of countries in Europe. Visas are another major consideration to make before going on your travel. A vast amount of European countries will allow American citizens to travel visa-free in their country up to a certain amount of days, but find out what the requirements are for the places you are likely to visit before you go.

Travel guides are useful, as they will be able to tell you what you need to know about most countries. Make sure your passport does not expire within six months, as some countries are funny about letting you in if it does.

Here are some things which will make your life easier when you are traveling. If you are planning to see a lot of countries, backpacks are a must. Carting a big suitcase around is no fun. Anticipate buying things when you’re out there and make sure you leave room in your backpack for this stuff. London especially has a lot of shopping opportunities. Check out Oxford Street if you get the chance. On the shopping front in France, Italy and Spain, the shop assistants will follow you around. Don’t be offended. It is considered polite in their countries.

This is important. Make sure you go traveling with a very good friend. You will be spending the majority of time with this person. Traveling with someone you barely know can cause problems. Traveling alone can also have its advantages and you will meet a lot of people out there. However, if you are female, it is better to have a traveling partner.

“Night trains can be dangerous. We ran into some sketchy men on them,” Kelsey Peterson, a junior communications major, said.

An advantage of the night train despite its drawbacks, is it saves you money on trying to find somewhere to stay. Hostels are reasonably cheap and can be found everywhere. If you become a hostel member, you can get discounts all over the world.

Buy a phone card in the United States before you go. Make sure you can use it internationally. This will save you money and will also rescue you from trying to work the different phone systems in different countries. Internet cafés are very popular in the bigger cities in Europe, so they can help you with travel plans and help you keep in touch with friends and family back home. Make connections with people who are already abroad beforehand. This can have the perks of people already knowing the area you visit and can tell you what is worth seeing, the best places to eat and worthy social places to hang out. If the people live there, you can have an excellent place to stay at for a few days.

It is worth knowing the basics of the language of the country you are going to be staying in. This can generally make your life easier and endear you to the locals. Most of the European countries have a good grasp of English.

“I thought that we would be lost. We were very shocked at the number of people [who] spoke English, it was a major advantage,” Peterson said.

Lastly, money needs a thought. A Visa card is a very smart thing to take. It is accepted practically everywhere. It also stops you from losing out money with the exchange rates, as you can draw it out as you need it.

This has been a basic guide of the things you need to consider if you plan to travel. Remember, plan your trip and have an experience of a lifetime.

Claire Dunn is a junior majoring in journalism. E-mail her with comments at