COLUMN: Should fabled pickup lines be used or not?

Chelsea Hunter, Consider yourself subscribed

There’s nothing much worse than being too shy after you notice someone you want to get to know. You realize you need to react quickly, otherwise they may leave, closing the window of opportunity as they go. Now, I never thought I’d say this, but a reliable pickup line may be what you need in these moments of panic.

Pickup lines aren’t something I’d usually encourage, but I’ve seen it work for some people. Let’s face it, having the guts to approach someone you find attractive can be tough. So whatever works for you, go with it.

Have a line that is well-rehearsed and that’s consistent with your personality. Contrary to popular belief, it’s fine to use the same line and have the same opening conversation with many different people. This way, you can feel comfortable and confident in what you’re saying and focus on one thing the other person’s reaction.

Most of the cheesy, squirm-in-your-chair awkward lines are dead. But there are some that can work to your advantage if delivered well. Below are some pickup lines I’ve heard in use that have actually gained some positive reactions.

“You look like a person who would enjoy some good conversation.”

This conservative approach is always a winner with little to no chance of being turned down. With this line, you imply their intellect was more noticeable than their appearance, and in today’s world, that’s a big hit. Everyone wants to know they’re attractive, but if the conversation is started on something more than that, the complement will mean a lot more when it does come up later in the conversation.

“Quisiera ser un helado para derritirme a tu lado.”

What’s more romantic than a pick up line in a sexy Latin language? And an upside is that your victim doesn’t know the extent of the cheesiness in the line you just delivered when loosely translated, it means “If I were an ice cream cone, I’d melt with you.” It strikes an instant conversation because, of course, the other person wants to know what the heck you just said to them. This will give you valuable time to win them over before you translate.

“Excuse me; I think it’s time we met.”

This happens to be my personal favorite. It shows you are assertive enough to go after what you want without being creepy. This is one line I can almost guarantee positive results, but only if it can be delivered with confidence.

“My friend wants to know if you think I’m cute.”

This rearrangement of words takes a common phrase usually heard from the wingman and twists it to make you radiate with confidence. Because you were brave enough to ask what they thought of you, you impress the person who has caught your attention.

And lastly, for kicks: five lines so terrible you should never ever use them. In no way are any of these flattering, and
they should never even be considered. But believe it or not, I have heard every one of these used at one time or another.


“Are those space pants? Because your bum is out of this world.”

“You look cold. Want to use me as a blanket?”

“If you were a booger, I’d pick you first.”

“Come feel my coat. You know what that’s made of? Boyfriend material.”

“Is your dad a terrorist? Because you’re the bomb.”

Now that those awful lines are out of my system, it turns out if the right line is used, pleasing results can be earned. But please, if you do decide to take the route that includes a pickup line, do it tastefully. Dish it out with a good sense of humor and a confident, yet playful attitude. Don’t be too serious! Remember, this is just to break the ice.

Anyone who thinks someone will fall for their wooing cliche needs to get a clue. To really land a date, lines have got to be delivered in just the right way. Always have good conversation to back it up.

After all of this, I still believe the best pickup line is five letters long.

