COLUMN: Stay for four



One minute and 11 seconds into the third quarter of last Saturday’s football game against the University of Wyoming, the Aggies were up, 49-19. I looked down from the press box to see a river of Aggie Blue flooding out of Romney Stadium.

Really? If it had been Wyoming fans, then I wouldn’t have been surprised. After all, they were getting their butts kicked and should have been smart enough to know they weren’t going to come back from that. Plus they had a really long, miserable drive home to Laramie ahead of them. That would have made sense.

But Aggie fans? Really? If you were among the ones who left early, I think you need to re-evaluate your level of fanhood.

My first thought was “Oh, they’re the wimps who are afraid to stick out a cold game.” And it wasn’t even that cold. I checked the weather, and it was still in the high-40’s outside. I think back to the Homecoming game against Hawaii last October. It was cold, raining and miserable. We were losing badly — final score of 45-7 — and the fun of the game was gone. Even I left that game five minutes early.

After that, I thought about the score. Yes, we were up by 30 points. Yes, we were clearly dominating the game. Yes, things were going splendidly, and, for once, it looked like it would be impossible to blow our lead late in the fourth quarter like we’d been doing the previous games.

So what? Why not stay and enjoy these facts. Utah State had not scored that many points in a first half since 1991. We had not had that many points in a game since 2008. This game was an excellent example of the potential Utah State football has and what we’ve been wanting to see all season. Why would you leave early? There is nothing more exhilarating than yelling and cheering with all your Aggie friends, even if you did just meet them that day. And let’s be real, being able to do “Winning Team, Losing Team” with a score like that is just plain fun.

I would really love it if one of you who left early in the third quarter would let me know why you left. It’s just a logic I don’t understand, and I’m always up for looking into the insights of other people. I realize not everyone is as die hard about Aggie athletics as I am, so please help me understand how the other side views things.

Our boys are headed to Fresno this week, and we’re actually favored to win by three and a half points. When they come back to Logan I expect to see every single one of you there. Get there early, in blue, and stay the whole time.


– Megan is a senior majoring in print journalism from Tucson, Ariz. She also works for USU Athletic Media Relations and lives and breathes for Aggie basketball. Send any comments to