COLUMN: The biggest college on campus

Justin Haskell

My name is Justin Haskell. I’m the 2002-03 HASS senator. I’m from Elk Ridge, Utah, which is located about 20 minutes south of Provo. I’m a junior majoring in international studies with a minor in international business, and hopefully French and Portuguese.

Even though the College of HASS is the biggest college at Utah State, how many of us actually know what HASS stands for? For those of you who already know, I take my hat off to you.

Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences is the answer.

As we all know, that consists of a lot of different areas. Because the College of HASS has so many different disciplines (e.g. political science, art, English, etc.) we sometimes forget about the other students in our college.

To help unite each department, we are creating a student representative board. This board is comprised of two or more students from each department in HASS. These students will meet with me and my council on a monthly basis. We’ll discuss issues, concerns and ideas pertaining to each department. We’ve already discussed many options for the upcoming months. One of our ideas is to create a newsletter for HASS. This newsletter would help each student get to know his college and other students within.

There are many ways to be involved within the college during your time here. If you’re interested in joining clubs and organizations that will enhance your college experience, it’s very easy to do so.

With the new, amazing ASUSU (student body) Web site, thanks to Camey Hatch, you can now sign up for clubs and organizations online in just a few minutes. The new Web site is found at Go online, click on the clubs and organizations icon, choose whatever you would like to do, and fill out the form. I got involved my first semester at USU and have been able to enhance my college career, not only with books and tests, but also with social and educational activities.

My job is to help you to voice your concerns, questions or comments. My e-mail is If you ever have a problem, suggestion or concern, your answer is just a click away – I hope. So my advice to all would be to get out, get involved and enhance your college experience. Take advantage of the benefits we HASS here at USU.

What else do you want to know about Justin Haskell and his plans for HASS? E-mail him at