COLUMN: The Dust is Settling in the GOP Campaign

Colby Lyons

Now that the long-awaited Super Tuesday has come and gone, the dust seems to have settled in the once-contentious GOP campaign. The wide range of potential candidates for the GOP nomination has been narrowed down to three – Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee and John McCain.

The results of this campaign seem to say a great deal about the shifting Republican Party. A man whose dedication to traditional conservative principles is extremely dubious seems to have won the support of the Republican Party. However, Paul, despite his unquestionable commitment to the Constitutional principles on which this nation was founded, has been largely ignored.

It has been equally disturbing to see conservative commentators throw their support behind Clinton, in order to oppose McCain. However, many of these commentators have also either ignored or defamed Paul.

However, there have been some very encouraging results coming out of the primary elections. Despite being largely ignored by the media, Paul has managed to gain a growing amount of support across the nation. Many who were once apathetic to politics have come out in support of Paul. His message of freedom has drawn and inspired individuals from all age groups, and from a broad range of the political spectrum.

Paul has gained a great deal of support, not just because of who he is, but what he stands for. Because of his campaign, many have come to realize the serious problems facing our nation. They have also come to realize that something must, and can, be done.

The fight to defend and restore our Constitution has not ended. Paul is still in the race, working to gain the GOP nomination.

With all the excitement centered around the upcoming presidential elections, however, it is important to remember the bigger picture. The Paul campaign is only a part of a larger movement. That movement is one of concerned Americans across the nation who are making a stand to regain our nation. All of us have a stake in this. Each of us is responsible to become educated about the challenges facing our nation. We can each strive to gain a greater understanding of the principles of freedom and reach out to help others understand as well.

Colby Lyons is a senior majoring in law and constitutional studies. Comments can be sent to him at