COLUMN: The wonderful world of sports never ends



The beautiful thing about the world of sports is there is always something to enjoy.

As the sun sets on March Madness, some feel a deceptive calm in the world of sports. Don’t be fooled: There are still plenty of sports to hone in on. The NBA playoffs are just around the corner, but let’s not forget some of the underappreciated sports. 

The NHL, MLB, MLS and even NASCAR are all full throttle and there for fans to get their fill. So before you start hating on the aforementioned sports, take some time to think about what you’re missing out on.

Hockey has the hard-hitting, fast-paced style most people live for, without the painfully low-scoring output soccer haters complain about. And hate as they may, soccer has its own benefits to offer if you really understand the sport.

And yes, baseball and auto racing each bring something to the table that a true sports fan should appreciate. So now’s your time to venture outside the mainstream sports world and find a new sport to fall in love with.

Call me old-fashioned, but for me sports is all about the love of the game. And if one truly loves the game, then you can love any game, any sport. 

Most of the world will probably turn its attention to the NBA now that the NCAA season is over, myself included. But it won’t have my full or undivided attention. Not just because it’s more of an entertainment business than a sport (that’s a discussion for another day), but because there is so much more going on than just basketball.

Do yourself a favor, watch a different sport for a week. One that you’ve never given a chance. See what doors open. I watch and follow every sport I can because I love it. You should too.


– Curtis Lundstrom is a proud husband and father and aspiring sports journalist and referee. A junior in print journalism, his life ambition is to bowl a perfect 300. Send any comments to and follow him on Twitter:                        @CurtisLundstrom.