COLUMN: U.N. is failure with or without U.S.

Jamie Forbush

I was disappointed to read the column in The Statesman titled, “UN-wanted — Don’t let Bush kill the U.N.,” by Leon D’Souza. I support Leon’s right to exercise the First Amendment, but his column must have a rebuttal. If the United Nations were in power, Leon and I wouldn’t be able to have the full benefits of free speech.

Let’s get one thing straight first. We should address our commander in chief with respect. I hear people address our president as “Bush.” He serves our country with complete integrity and love. He is protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States as he swore he would do. Let’s address him as President Bush. President Bush deserves our support.

Any citizen who truly supports our Constitution, our sovereignty and capitalism should know the danger the United Nations poses to our country. Let’s not forget the recent events that have taken place at the United Nations. The issue is quite simple. Iraq already possesses and uses weapons of mass murder and is seeking more. It has promised to disarm after numerous U.N. resolutions since 1991.

In a nutshell, the United Nations with the help of France has failed to enforce its own resolutions. The United Nations failed to enforce the most recent resolution, 1441, and has clearly demonstrated that the United States is not in its best interest.

Because the United Nations failed to enforce resolution 1441, we have to do it for them. The weapons inspectors with their backpacks, looked more like a group of students on a field trip, it was a joke. All the military power and financial success of the United Nations is a direct result of our good graces. This body is impotent and irrelevant. It should be noted that President Bush gave the United Nations sufficient time. In fact, President Bush was more than forthcoming with this body.

I get nauseated every time I hear someone suggest something to the extent of, “We can’t make it without the United Nations.” A misinformed citizen called into C-SPAN this morning and made the allegation that we as Americans are too patriotic. He said our patriotism is stopping us from yielding our sovereignty to the greater body, the United Nations.

This man was calling for a world government and suggesting that the United States is holding it up. My fellow Americans, have we forgotten what happened back in 1776? Have we forgotten what the stars and stripes represent? Do the founding documents of this country mean anything to you? Wake up and smell the smoke of 9/11.

The United Nations would love to take control of our military resources. It has already taken key steps with the help of the Democrats in our country. In 1961, President Kennedy helped facilitate a plan with the United Nations to totally disarm the United States.

This plan can still be found within the U.S. State Department. It’s called Department of State Publication 7277, Disarmament Series 5.

Publication 7277 is still official U.S. policy. As constituents, we must ask our elected officials to defeat this policy and any other policy that threatens our sovereignty and ability to protect ourselves.

The United Nations can’t stand the fact that our country possesses great wealth. If it could, it would take wealth from us and redistribute it. The United Nations wants to disarm our citizens, implement socialism in place of capitalism and educate our children in place of parents. Think about it. Do you honestly believe that body, which is made up of communists, socialists and thugs, can come together and be friends with us at the end of the day?

What a slap in the face. Iraq is scheduled to become chair of the disarmament committee. This is laughable. These people have fundamental differences with us. Someone has to give. It can’t be us. It’s not worth sacrificing our Constitution over. Do you really want to be a part of this organization?

You can find more information on the United Nations at

I hope and pray for the sake of our country that we seriously assess our current standing with the United Nations. Write to your congressman and tell him to support HR 1146. Our president and troops need our support and prayers at this time. Saddam and Osama will soon be gone as true peace is ushered in. We will fight, and we will win. I was touched to see two college students put Old Glory up above their door as I was driving by. I love our flag. I love our military. I love our president and trust his judgment.

I stand in amazement of the people of this country. We have accomplished much together. Let’s continue only as the United States of America, one nation under God. May God continue to bless the United States of America.

Jamie Forbush is a Logan resident and former USU student. Comments can be sent to