COLUMN: USU offers outdoor stress relief

As spring approaches and the weather warms, students are trying to find an excuse to be outside. Participating in intramural sports through Campus Recreation can be a great way to pass time outdoors.

“It’s the cheapest organized league you can find in Logan,” said intramural supervisor Spencer Smith.

For example, Smith said to participate in indoor soccer at the indoor arena in town costs $400 per team, but campus intramurals charge only $30 per squad.

Currently, five spring intramural sports are being played – four-on-four volleyball, sand volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, outdoor soccer and softball.

Intramurals offer good competition, Smith said. Each team will always play another team at its same level. It’s also good exercise and a good tension releaser – excellent reasons for being outside.

Groups of friends can organize teams and play to have a good time, said Kristin Brown, an intramural trainer.

Smith said part of each students’ tuition funds the Campus Recreation program – another reason for students take advantage of the intramural opportunities.

In addition to the organized sports leagues, Campus Recreation is sponsoring a golf tournament starting April 20 and a triathlon April 28. The deadlines for participating are April 19 for the golf tournament and April 26 for the triathlon.

Even though the deadline to sign up as a team has passed, individuals can still register as “free agents” for a $3 fee.