COLUMN: What do guys think of dating?

Chelsea Hunter, Consider yourself subscribed

For a long time, women have been guessing what guys are thinking. This week I happened to find the key and got a group of guys together to share with me their thoughts on dating.


Guys said the number one thing they enjoy about dating is the physical aspect – cuddling and kissing are a given. However, companionship is also huge because most guys fear loneliness.

It’s monumental to get to the point where you have someone you can trust and have a connection with. Where woman can bond doing almost anything, men tend to bond through activity.

They also admitted they like feeling wanted. This point is underrated and isn’t often admitted. Lastly, the excitement of getting to know someone new on every date motivates guys to continue to ask girls out.


Brace yourselves – it’s time for the long list of dislikes that were conveyed by these guys.


The first thing that seems to drive men crazy is the claim that girls play mind games. It’s frustrating not knowing what a girl is really thinking. Ladies, be open with your feelings. I understand how it’s hard to be open when you’re afraid of hurting his feelings, but it’s better to let a guy down easily.

Most guys prefer you be honest if you don’t have any feelings for them after the first date. Prevent them from wasting their time. Sometimes the game isn’t the best route to take, and real honesty prevents any misunderstandings; both parties can feel confident in where each other’s feelings are.


Guys hate that they are expected to ask the girl out 100 percent of the time, and they hate that they are expected to make the first move. Why not have a girl ask a guy out for a change? It may be different, sure, but guys would find it a relief and a break to have someone else in charge for a change. It can’t hurt for women to take a little initiative and be aggressive, right?


You don’t have to like football or video games to gain and keep a guys attention – that’s why they have guy friends. A girl who embodies “classic” femininity as a woman is more attractive than one that tries to adopt masculine qualities and be “one of the guys.” If you genuinely like football or video games, own it. I know it’s the most used cliche in the book, but whatever you do, just be yourself. Don’t change your interests to keep a man interested. If it doesn’t work with him, there will be others.


Priorities are also huge. Is it too much to ask for a guy to want the girl to make some time for him? If for some reason you can’t go out when he suggests, give an alternative time instead of leaving him hanging. Put yourself in his shoes; not only did he just get rejected, but he was also left without a date that night.