COLUMN: What is ASUSU to you?

Johnny Navarette

If you are like I was, the term education senator has about as much significance to you as the term secretary of the assistant to the chief sanitation engineer (which is a real title, I looked it up). What I would like to convey to you is what I, and in a broader sense, all of your student body officers, are here for.

First and foremost, I am here for you. As education senator, I have a direct responsibility to represent the students of my college to the dean, the administration of the college and university, and to the Associated Students of Utah State University.

One example would be the graduation issue we just experienced. A proposal was made by the administration, and students were very upset with the effects it was to have on them. Education students were especially vocal about the proposed changes.

As senators, we gathered information and talked to students. We took this input to the administration, and we worked hard on a compromise that would be mutually acceptable. This is what was actually proposed.

Now we come to the actual working art of the job. The deans have asked us to help in many instances with the planning of the college graduation ceremonies. We will be asked to represent student opinion and help to make this a special experience for everyone. In order to do this, we need to know what students think. There are several methods we have of talking to students, but none of them are nearly as effective as students talking to us.

This is where you as students come in. If you have anything that you would like to talk about, or you feel there is a problem, please contact us. The majority of ASUSU officers are found on the third floor of the Taggart Student Center. We also have our information posted on the A-Station ( If you have any input, we are most willing to listen and do all that we can.

I guess that in essence, ASUSU is you, and we hope to continue this in to the future.

Johnny Navarrete is senator of the College of Education and is the senate president. Comments can be sent to him at