Commencement to feature student speaker for first time

Kathryn Richards

The 110th annual commencement ceremony for students graduating from Utah State University will feature a student speaker for the first time.

The plan to have a student speaker was worked out by President Kermit L. Hall and the Associated Students of USU as part of a goal to have a more student-centered commencement, said Sydney Peterson, assistant provost.

Student speaker Lara Briana Anderson is the valedictorian from the College of Science. She will graduate with a double major in math and physics. Anderson plans to gain a master’s in theoretical physics and a doctorate in physics. She plans on a career in research and teaching.

“It’s been really wonderful,” Anderson said of her experience at USU.

She said she had the opportunity to do undergraduate research in physics and has appreciated that both the math and physics departments are small enough that professors have enough time to give one-on-one attention to students.

“I had really good professors,” she said.

Anderson and each of the college valedictorians made presentations to one another and to five other graduating seniors representing various groups on campus, Peterson said.

The valedictorians were asked to submit and present outlines of what they would speak about. Anderson’s outline was chosen.

“We’re really excited to have a student speaker,” Peterson said. “I think the students will enjoy it, as well.”

Peterson said she absolutely thinks the university’s commencement will continue to feature student speakers in following years.

Other valedictorians are Corinna W. VonNiederhausern from the College of Agriculture, Heather (Turner) Allen from the College of Business, Teresa Garrett from the College of Education, Michal Hradisky from the College of Engineering, Rafael Davtian from the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, and Christopher L. Fausett from the College of Natural Resources.

The commencement speaker will be E. Gordon Gee, chancellor of Vanderbilt University. Gee is originally from Vernal, Utah, and has served as assistant dean for the College of Law at the University of Utah and associate dean and professor at the J. Reuben Clark Law School at BYU.

Gee also served as president of Brown University, Ohio State University, the University of Colorado and West Virginia University. He held the position of judicial fellow and senior staff assistant to Chief Justice Warren Burger. Gee will receive an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from USU during commencement.

According to a press release, USU professor Edwin Stafford will receive the Eldon J. Gardner Teaching Award, and Steven Aust will receive both the D. Wynne Thorne Research Award and the University Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award.

DeeVon Baily will receive the EG Peterson Extension Award and Teaching Excellence Awards will go to Tamara Vitale, College of Agriculture; Freeman King, College of Education; Michael Johnson, College of Engineering; Vern Budge, College of HASS; Fred Provenza, College of Natural Resources; and David Peak, College of Science.

A mandatory graduation rehearsal will be held May 1 at 3 p.m. on the north HPER Field near the Spectrum. Saturday morning, students will march from the Quad into the Spectrum along the walk in front of the Agricultural Science and Biology-Natural Resources buildings.