Hackey sack custom made for the hackey sack club, Jan. 10, 2024.

Community of hacky sackers welcome everyone to the club

Footbag, more commonly known as hacky sack, has made its way to Utah State University. The club meets every Wednesday in the TSC flag room at 7 PM.  

To play, participants volley a bag filled with dirt for as long as possible. They may use any part of their body except their arms to contact the sack. The main goal of the players is to get a “hack,” which is to have each player pass and receive the sack at least once in one volley.  

The former president and founder of the club, Elliot Nebeker, spoke on how he stumbled onto the game.  

“I walked out on the Quad, and there was like a group of four people playing hacky sack. They were really good,”Nebeker said.   

At the time there wasn’t a club, so after the encounter, Nebeker took it upon himself to start the club.  

Muriel Lovejoy, an early member of the club, spoke on membership and how to join the club.  

“If you just show up, you’re considered a super cool hacky sacker,” Lovejoy said. 

Ellie Goins, a club member, spoke on Nebeker’s skills with the footbag.  

“He’s like a wizard. He’s really good at hacky sack,” Goins said.  

MJ Arrowood joined the club because of her friend, Goins.  

“I sack because Ellie [Goins] sacks,” Arrowood said. “The first time I came, I felt a sense of camaraderie there. They accepted me, and I just liked the people in it.”  

Muriel Lovejoy said she started hacky sacking with friends towards the end of last summer. She spoke on how she found out about the club.  

“We were on the Quad one day [playing hacky sack] and people started joining, and they were like, ‘Have you guys been to the club yet?’” Lovejoy said.  

Kayson Lee, another member of the club, spoke on what got him into hacky sacking.  

“My good buddy Elliot started the club. And you know, sometimes you just got to support a buddy. I’ve never hacky sacked before in my life, but it’s kind of fun,” Lee said.  

All the players have their reasons for playing hacky sack. 

 “I hacky sack because it is good for my soul, and it makes me happy. And I’ve made a ton of new friends, and I like to get better at different things,” said Goins. 

Lovejoy had similar sentiments.  

“I did not think I was going to be a hacky sacker one day,” Lovejoy said. “If I don’t do it, sometimes I’m a little onery.”  

She described her favorite tricks to do while playing.  

“I like doing stalls and stuff, which is where you just settle it and stop the hacky sack,” Lovejoy said.   

She can stall the hacky sack in a variety of places, including on her back, her head and her foot.  

“I also like going behind my leg,” Lovejoy said.  

Goins said she learns a lot from the community of hacky sackers.  

“I would say everyone brings different tricks to the circle, and so like, then we learn from each other and like, try new tricks,” Goins said.  

Lovejoy said the group hacky sacks at various locations around campus including, the Quad, the TSC and the Field house.   

“It’s just a super welcoming community, and everybody’s just best friends with everybody,” Lovejoy said.