Compulsury Club Scandal

Dear Statesman,

I am taking my English 5430 this symester and my instructor has informed the class that she is requiring us to join an on campus club that she happens to the be the faculty advisor of, otherwise we get no higher than a C in the class (a dramatic reduction in a grade). This seems illegal and definately unethical. One main reason is because the advisor recieves some benefits from having more students join the club, which she seems to beable to dictate in this case by making membership compulsury. Also the $50.00 fee for joining the club isn’t posted in the class fees section. Joining the club is very irrelevant to many of the students in the class, who may learn the objectives of the material without joining the club. If there is necessary material in the student club that we need to learn than it should be taught by the instrutor.

My question to you is: Is there any provision that forbids this? If there is not please provide an explanation of why this is allowed? I will continue to consult other sources in this matter, but I thought it should be brought to your attention. I would very much appreciate a response.

Thank you,Aaron Stapley