Computer Solutions to combine with Bookstore

Matt Eichner

Computer Solutions and the Utah State University Bookstore are poised to join forces May 1, when Computer Solutions will move into the Taggart Student Center with the USU Bookstore, said David Hansen, director of the Bookstore.

“The greatest benefit is to increase services [to the Bookstore] and to make [Computer Solutions] more visible,” Hansen said.

“The university will gain greater accessibility to the resource that is Computer Solutions,” said Jeannie Simmonds of Information Learning Resources.

The two services began talks about joining last November, Simmonds said.

Cody Alley of Computer Solutions said they have been in their current location for 16 years, but few students know it.

“That’s a problem, a lot of students don’t know about [Computer Solutions],” Alley said.

Alley said they wanted to move this semester to make sure students know at the start of next school year where computer solutions is.

Computer Solutions’ sales will become part of the Bookstore’s sales after the move, Hansen said.

Hansen said Computer Solutions will have a designed place after the Bookstore is remodeled this summer; for now, it will have to fill a corner.

To celebrate the new partnership, Computer Solutions will hold an inventory reduction sale through April 23. The old store will then close for a week and reopen at the new location.