Confirmed proof that Capitalism works

One of the wonderful things about capitalism is the way that it can keep the richest people rich and keep the poorest people in a sense of karmic happiness. The only way this fails is if too many of the poorest people die or if the most powerful are found out by the common person to be cheating their way through life.

Recently, a couple of terabytes of data were released showing widespread corruption. Already, many media sources have dropped this story. Their owners are likely one of the many people owning one of these offshore bank account companies.

This corruption is making it so that billions and billions of dollars are being kept untaxed by the American government. Say you are a rich business owner. April 15 approaches and you find yourself in the position where you have to give a few million dollars back to your country. You don’t want to do this. Your tax bracket is already rather high. So you decide to go hang out with some of your other rich friends.

As the night drones on, you find yourself a few inebriating substances down and complaining about your taxes. Your wealthy friends all laugh at you. They tell you to buy a fake company in Panama so that you can store your money there as a business expense. Business expenses aren’t taxable, so buying this company for the money you would have been taxed on keeps it in your pocket. Then, you report one dollar or so when tax season comes around. There you go. You can’t get taxed on that nearly as well.

This makes it so that the rich don’t really pay taxes.

But we all knew this.

So why am I writing about this? I will tell you, dear readers. We finally have exact names to put on trial. We can finally tax those who have been dodging it for so long. We can make this country the democracy we finally want. No longer will we be without when wanting public programs or health care. Doing some basic calculations, we could easily raise the minimum wage in areas that need it.

But we won’t.

For those of you that don’t know, the United States of America hasn’t been a democratic republic for the last 100 years or so. Since we decided to have loopholes and ways to make companies worth more than the lives of the humans that run them, we have spiraled into a oligarchy instead. This is why your vote doesn’t count and nothing happens with our Congress. This is why you aren’t represented in the government based on your views.

Our government wasn’t supposed to have only two parties. In reality, we were supposed to essentially have a modified parliamentary system. Yet here we are. We have two systems that are childish in nature and have idealistic and unobtainable goals. The Republican party wants to go back to the good old days that never existed where we work for our food and don’t deal with the government. They want to ignore the fact that we have human beings with lives and families that depend on each other. They take traditional ideas like religion and pervert them to the point that it only exists to keep people in line.

The Democratic party wants to create an over-abundance of equality for the sake of fairness. They want to dissolve all of the things that makes the US a world power. They want to just distribute the wealth without any kind of sustainable plan.

In short, don’t worry about these silly documents. Nobody in the US (except for David Cameron) will be arrested. We will go on with our lives while the greedy take more and the poorer people sustain on the idea that, one day, they don’t have to worry about where their next meal is coming from.

There are 4 comments

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  1. Eli Webster

    Where to begin…
    1. David Cameron is from the UK not the US.
    2. The problem is not capitalism it is regulation.
    3. People are not stupid, they put money where it makes the most economic sense for themselves.
    4. The “fake” companies used to hid this money are not fake, they are real companies.
    5. The US government is specifically designed to work effectively as a two party system. Although some of the founders, George Washington in particular, were opposed to this idea; this is how the system operates best.
    6. The Problem is that we have created an economic and tax structure which makes it attractive to put our money place other than the United States.

  2. Levi Henrie

    Kai, I was once a statesman writer too. Like you, I also liked to get political – despite working for a newspaper that (at least in my time) largely avoided doing so. My last column actually didn’t even get published (and for all I know is still on the editors queue), and I suspect it’s because they thought it was too radical to post (ha, ha).

    I commend you. I think that it’s a good thing to write like this. Most of the USU students I met in my time there hardly think about this stuff. They – or should I say we – need it.

    If I could, I’d like to give you one bit of constructive criticism: I think you should try to have a clearer point. If I was to ask you what the focus of this column is in one sentence, what would you say? Ok. Now, go back and delete/restate everything that doesn’t clearly tie into that. You’re on the right track though.


    Levi Henrie

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