COULMN: Finals are no excuse for being unhealthy

The end-of-the-semester blahs have hit. Work is piling up and time is running out. Students all over campus are beginning to show the signs of stress: Their eyes are bloodshot, they walk around like zombies, and few couches on campus are ever vacant, usually occupied by slumbering coeds.

Although many will say they can do anything for three weeks, some bad practices can have lasting effects. More and more young adults nationwide are being diagnosed with serious health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart failure, diabetes and cancer, just to name a few.

Whether this trend is because of poor diets, sedentary lifestyles or both, we can no longer afford to mistreat our bodies.

As finals approach and projects pile up, students should consider their well-being. Take time to eat well-balanced meals. Get plenty of sleep and take some exercise breaks.

Today’s “Alive” section focuses on health issues important to students.