Dangerous Crosswalk @ TSC & Institute


I am amazed that no one has been killed at the crosswalk between the Taggart Student Center and the LDS Institute. It is a frighteningly dangerous intersection, especially during class changes. Those two buildings are two of the most used on campus, and at peak time, i.e. the mornings between 8:30 and 1:30, you can see upwards of 1,000 people utilizing that crosswalk. At the same time, many students travel by car up and down Champ Drive between the roundabout and Old Main, and places beyond. Many figure that it is a convenient way to drop off and pick up friends or spouses, or just to get around on campus. Unfortunately, due to the high number of pedestrians using the same space, there gets to be a long wait at that intersection. Also unfortunately, some drivers are less than responsible, and get impatient at the wait. I myself was the victim of such impatience on Monday, September 29th. I, like a good many others, was crossing the crosswalk during the 10:30am class break on my bicycle. As I neared the Institute end of the walk, the car waiting at the head of the southbound line decided to simply push their way through the crowd of ten or so pedestrians, myself included. Perhaps he didn’t see me, or simply didn’t care. I will probably never know. Anyway, he stepped on the gas and ran right into me, pinning my right leg between his fender and my bike. I made contact with his hood, leaving a nice divot, and gave him an angry look. He stopped long enough for me to move myself out of the way, but when I went to talk to him, he drove off, endangering several other pedestrians in the process. I am left with a messed up paint job on my bike and a bruised and tender lower right leg. I cannot believe that this person would be so inconsiderate as to run into someone, then drive off as soon as the opportunity presented itself. The man actually looked resentful at me for getting in the way of his hasty advance through the crowd! I am not the only person to have had a near miss or worse at this crossing. I feel that it would be in the best interests of everyone concerned, i.e. the University, Police department, and transportation officials, not to mention the pedestrians and motorists, to close off Champ Drive to vehicles, or change the layout of the roundabout and Champ Drive area. There are several options, including widening the roundabout and establishing a designated drop off area for personal vehicles. Another option is to extend the crosswalk area south toward Widtsoe Hall, making a wider area for students to cross, and enabling vehicles to easier navigate between pedestrians. If the crosswalk were gated off to all but emergency vehicles, traffic could be routed behind the Institute building along Darwin Ave to the old steam plant and to the base of Old Main Hill. That is an acceptable option, too. The bottom line is that the crosswalk between the TSC and the Institute is a dangerous area, with tempers boiling high as drivers wait to get where they are going. Mere human bodies cannot compete with Detroit steel. If the situation is not changed, eventually someone will be seriously hurt or killed, which will result in a lot of trouble and expense for the University. Things need to change!

-Don BurgerStudent #529736160Ph#797-0494email: don.burger@hfs.usu.edu