
Dead week woes. GIF List

Well Utah State University students, the end of the semester is finally here. And you all know what that means. Dead week is upon us. Here are some tips on how to survive and thrive throughout the week before finals.

  1. Go to the library. We all know that we aren’t as productive when we “study” at home.1
  2. Drink plenty of water! Staying hydrated is healthy for your body and your brain. 2
  3. Sleep. A lot. Anywhere. Everywhere. Putting off sleep to study isn’t going to help you in the long run. 3
  4. Take breaks while studying! Whether it’s going for a run, getting some food, or watching some Netflix. Just give yourself some down time between study sessions. 4-1
  5. Make a study playlist. Music makes everything better. 5
  6. Silence your phone, social media accounts and any other distraction during your study time. 6
  7. And finally just have confidence in yourself! You’ve been working hard for that class all semester. You’ve got this. 7

Good luck Aggies! Hit the books hard this week so you can rock those final exams!
