
Debate this: Media Bias

The American people have developed a pessimistic way of thinking.  Negativity out ways positivity and it has the founding fathers rolling in their graves.  It is very true that there are things that need fixed within our nation such as the economy, national security, equality and unity, and many others.  None of these issues are going to be solved as long as media biasing continues and proceeds to leave a trail of negativity as it has for so long.  We see double standard after double standard happening in our country and media has a lot to do with it.  Millennials and post millennials alike are so caught up in what is posted on facebook, twitter, instagram or wherever that they have neglected the ability of free thinking.  They believe what is said by so called “professionals” and care more about what their friends and family believe than developing their own stances toward important issues.  This can be fixed if journalists would post neutral articles more than they post opinions and biased views on current issues.  The biggest detriment to our society with this is that almost everything is posed with a negative twist as to bring us to feel hatred, fear or sadness.  Everything is made to be so sensitive that if one has an opposing view they are afraid of offending someone or receiving backlash on how they see things.  The other major issue with media biasing is that they focus on the negative of whom they want to they neglect to look at heavy issues of people they want to defend.  Dear media, we want facts.  We want to think for ourselves.  We want to look at things in positive light and not make it a painful experience to watch the news or read the paper. If the day comes that freedom of speech is respected in all avenues and one learns to think for themselves then all other issues will start to work themselves out due to the fact that there will be peace and unity in America.  Down with the negative and down with the bias.  

Colton Brown loves to write.  Journalism has become a joy to him as he feels he can truly make a difference in the world by writing in a way different than the others.