
Debate this: USU College Dems response to Rob Bishop recieving out-of-state campaign donations

As constituents, it is important we take a good look at the values and opinions of our Representatives. It is clear that in Utah’s first district, Rob Bishop does not reflect the values of Utahns, but instead the goals and objectives of big energy companies that are funding him. The fact that Rep. Bishop is getting a staggering 92.6% of his donation money from out of state shows how out of touch he is with voters in Utah’s first district. He has always touted the importance of listening to voices of locals when dealing with issues, but the numbers show otherwise. Rep. Bishop receives more money from out of state than any other member of the U.S. House of Representatives, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics. Much of this has to do with the Public Lands Initiative he is heading. This would give the Utah government the ability to destroy natural lands and habitats to make way for more mining, drilling, and construction. The big energy companies funding Rep. Bishop’s campaign know they have a lot to gain from his initiative, and Bishop has put their interests first, ahead of Utah voters.

Conversely, Dr. Clemens has received 100% of his campaign donations from individuals – not one dollar from big corporations. He is in touch with the change that Utahns demand in the first District. Dr. Clemens knows that the environment is deteriorating in Utah- we can see it in our air, water supply, and runoff. Utahns care about these issues as they affect day to day life. Dr. Clemens said “(Rep. Bishop) doesn’t think he needs to listen to you.” The numbers back up this claim. Bishop is listening to his friends in Super PACS and oil industries, not Utahns.

It is time we put the interests of everyday citizens and our planet first- not big energy corporations who are only looking to turn a profit. Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike can all agree on one thing- their opinion matters. While Rep. Bishop doesn’t want or need to listen to voters, Dr. Clemens knows and cares about the issues that affect Utahns daily. As voters, we need to ask ourselves who we want representing Utah in Congress, a candidate who has the interests of voters in mind, or someone who is only looking out for the big energy corporations funding his campaign.

Samuel Jackson is originally from College Park, Maryland, and lives with his family in Logan. This is his second year at USU and he is studying Political Science. He is currently a member of the Government Relations Council, and the Vice President of the USU College Democrats.  Also, he is a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon chapter here on campus as well.

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