
Debate this: USU Republicans respond to #blacklivesmatter

Black lives matter.  Yes, this is as very true statement, but I find it a bit odd that what the Black Lives Matter movement is looking for is equality and the very name itself promotes social segregation.  All lives matter.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said “I look to the day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”  In order for this to truly be we should quit separating race in social matters.  The many riots that have been caused have stemmed from incidents with police officers killing an african american and the consistent theme in the trials has been that the officers are innocent.  Is this racism?  Or are there other factors into play?  Perhaps the officer was acting purely out of duty and it was the only action to prevent further crime do to the fact that the “victim” was actually posing a threat and was in need of being halted.  In cases where a white person is shot by an officer we don’t ever hear about it.  Why is this?  Because they were breaking the law and action was required to stop them.  Race is the first thing examined when an african american is killed by an officer when we need to look at the content of their character and that of the officer as well.  In fact this should be the case in every situation.  Over the weekend in Chicago five people were killed and over thirty-six others injured in shootings.  The Chicago Tribune reported it without mentioning race and just focused on the content of the crimes which is exactly what MLKJ wanted.  Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback for the 49ers, kneeled during the national anthem during a preseason game in protest.  Kaepernick is making millions of dollars and has been the face of a franchise in one of the most notorious organizations in the United States and he is protesting racial oppression?  He grew up in a white family and was very privileged in California.  On the other hand rapper Lil Wayne, who happened to have a rough upbringing and got completely where he is now by efforts of his own, has said he has never dealt with racism.  Self oppression, which is when one buys into the notion that they are oppressed, is what we are really dealing with.  During the presidential primaries a retired neurosurgeon, Ben Carson, ran under the GOP ticket.  Carson grew up in a rough neighborhood in Detroit Michigan and was raised by a single mother working three jobs and relying on food stamps.  If Carson were to have believed he was oppressed and that it was up to the rest of America to decide whether or not he could be successful do you think he would be where he is today?  MLKJ also said “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”  We are America.  Lets love one another and have peace in our hearts.

— Colton Brown is the Activities Director for the USU College Republicans. He gives a special shout out to his mother for raising her four kids on her own and making sacrifices to make sure they had food on the table.  She is his hero and his angel.