Decency in the Mind

I am writing in regard to the article in the opinion section on Wednesday. As I was reading the paper, I skimmed across various advertisements and stories, including the Persian Peacock advertisement, without any notice to possible indecency. Upon reading the opinion about the “indecent” advertisement, I flipped ahead to see what he was talking about. I did not see anything indecent, yet I could understand what one whose thoughts are indecent might think. I believe our minds are connected to our morals, and if we looking for the bad, we will find it. I am sure we could find the worse in anything; advertisements, books, magazines, newspapers, and even curricular handouts. I simply choose to keep my mind and eyes in the right place. I assume a lady in little clothing might be offensive, even to the liberal. If so, I recommend that we stay clear of swimming pools and on-campus housing. These, too, are associated with things that the Persian Peacock might advertise, and I am positive you will see more scantily clad people there than the Persian Peacock advertisement. I suggest we work on putting our standards in the right place so such an advertisement will not bring “bad” thoughts to be able to offend us. We need to show control over our minds and hearts. We need to trust our students, faculty, and advisors. I am sure it was discusses whether or not the advertisement should have been used, and they made good decision. If anyone feels the need for guilt, look for the opportunity somewhere else.John Goodman713-4608