
Dee Shumway: Student Events Director candidate interview

What makes you stand out from other candidates and why should people vote for you?

I guess what I would say makes me stand out of from other people is that, I’m really dedicated to student events. I’ve spent the last two years with the student events office. Last year was COVID and it wasn’t the best, we didn’t get the events experience that we wanted, but it was a ton of fun and it was a learning experience for everybody. This year we actually like got to do stuff and I literally showed up to every single event, I was there. Because I was like yes, we are actually doing this, I get to see these smiling faces, this is so much fun. I just got to learn like a ton about it. So yeah, my dedication and I think people should vote for me because I have been involved in the student events, I have some really good ideas about events, about volunteers to be like recognized and know that they are appreciated. Really bring safety, inclusion, and awareness to all events. I want people to come to events. I really want to work with clubs and other organizations like clubs to really like promote events and work together on events to really make USU as fun as it can be.


What are some improvements that you want to make going into this next semester if you were to be elected?

The student events VP, or executive director, they don’t do a lot of the planning of events. So, I really want to focus in on making sure that as a student events office we are working together and really like promoting each other, and supporting each other to the best of our abilities. As for the volunteers, making sure that they get the training that they need and like understanding what their role is at like events and making sure that they are also having fun in the process. I really want to focus like working with other organizations. Like the aux battle that happened a couple of weeks ago, like that was a ton of fun because it got a bunch of people together, like different organizations, and groups together. Like I had never heard of the jump roping club at USU, but they were there and it was so much fun. I really want to use the events platform to promote all the clubs and organization so people know about them and can join them.


If you aren’t elected, how do you want to continue to be involved in USU events?

Yeah, I haven’t thought about a back-up plan at all but I’ll definitely volunteer, I’ll still do a ton with events because it’s like my passion. I love student events. Um, I don’t know, like I really don’t know what I’d do. There are the director positions which is like a ton of fun, events president, even just being on one of the committees would be a ton of fun too. But yea, just like staying involved and since I have like some experience, like I know how to go about doing some events. So yeah, I’d help out as much as I can wherever I can.


How do you plan on keeping your work-life balance stable and making sure you are on top of school, work, as well as these events?

So, if I’m elected, student events is my life already. I am always at all the events already, and sometimes I have homework but no, like, student events, like is my priority. Obviously, if you are elected to a position you need to put your best foot into that position, I’ve already like talked to my boss, because I have a job that I love. But, I have said ‘Hey, if I win like I won’t be around as much’ and she was like, ‘Yeah, that’s fine, we like expect it, it’s your experience.’ College is college, and I want to make it the best it can be, like with being a math teacher, like my classes tend to be a little bit harder. But, I am done with my hardest math classes, so this next year is going to be a little bit easier!


What is your go-to dance move?

So, it’s kind of embarrassing, when you sent me that question I was kind of like *scared squeal noise* but I tend to take my shirt off at outside dances and then I like to twerk. I’m not very good at it I need Robinson to teach me. So, that’s it, it’s what I do though I’m not good at it, it’s what I do.

