Diversity at USU


Does anyone see what is really going on here? This isn’t a matter of diversity, gay rights, straight rights, religion, or race. This is a matter of readership. Let me see if I can spell out the situation.

The Statesman runs a front-page article concerning some controversial function (i.e. homosexuals and their right to exist). In the next issue of the Statesman, some unsuspecting student(s) have just fallen for the bait. An editorial or two appears condemning anyone involved with the function. The next issue brings more editorials written by the next suckers to fall into the trap. After a week or two of these articles, everyone loses interest and the subject is dropped.

Who has gained from this controversy? Not the students, who now have highly developed grudges against the opposite side of the issue. Not the readers of the newspaper, nothing has been or will be resolved. The true winners in these confrontations are the staff of the Statesman who have justed increased their readership. After all, what else is really worth reading in the Statesman? Well, maybe the police blotter.

My purpose in writing this is not so much to take a stab at the Statesman (who can resist?) but to help those people who believe the editorials represent the general consensus. It is my belief that generally the people in Utah, outside of Utah, and those attending USU are good, moral, and unbiased. Call me an optimist. Now lets get down to the issues that can be solved like; Do students deserve to have their names announced at graduation after slaving four years to get a degree?

Clifton B. Smith(435)755-6065