
Claudia Phillips6402 Cleveland Rd Apt. D-2Valley Al. 36854Telephone number 334 756-9608

There are some people who gamble their lives and other people lives away. They plunge into alcohol, not realizing that it contains spirits, which control their lives. Why consume something that will control you in a negative way? Every year people are killed by someone who felt it was okay to drink and drive. Drinking and driving could lead to a wreck, which could leave you, or others cripple, brainless, with amputated body parts, or death. Life is a risk, why add to it? You can’t consider the consequences when you are dead and gone,therefore, think about it now. What if, you drink and drive,you have a wreck, but you live to see the results of what you did to one of several people. would you spend the rest of your life, saying: If only I had not been drinking and driving.Consider how drinking and driving can change your life, and other people lives. You can murder someone else family member and be responsible for their sorrow. What words could you say to give the family comfort? You could say: You are sorry, but were you sorry, when you got under the wheel to drive intoxicated? Will sorry bring their love ones back? You can’t go back and change wrong to right, but you can live right and know that when wrong occurs it was indeed and accident.

Claudia Phillips