
ELB election results announced, Rodriguez elected president

Results for the 2023 Utah State University Student Association Executive Leadership Board elections were announced Friday at 9 a.m. in the TSC Hub. 

The 2023-2024 student advocate vice president-elect is Tyson Packer, with 57.78% of the votes.

The 2023-2024 executive vice president-elect is Aly Cinq-Mars, with 71.34% of the votes.

The 2023-2024 USUSA president-elect is Abe Rodriguez, with 63.9% of the votes.

Executive vice president-elect Aly Cinq-Mars hugs a friend who came to support her at the elections announcement. (Photo/ Heidi Bingham)

When Rodriguez heard the results, he said he instantly thought about the people he worked with on his campaign. 

“I’m just really grateful that all these people believed in me,” he said. “For me to be able to carry us forward and lead is an honor, and I love this university. I love the people. The people here is what makes me tick, and so I’m ready to put in a lot of work.”

Rodriguez said his first priority once inaugurated will be to build relationships with faculty, administration and other officers.

“This is so much bigger than myself,” Rodriguez said. “I just want to make sure that we are working together because we’re all students, so we should unify and really look out for each other because we’re the ones that make up this university. I want to make sure that all of our needs are met and that we’re advocating for all groups on campus.”

President-elect Abe Rodriguez hugs his parents after the elections results were announced on Feb. 24. (Photo/ Heidi Bingham)

Packer’s first priority once inaugurated as the student advocate vice president will be to get started on the polling system promised in his campaign platform. He said he appreciates the students’ confidence in him, and he appreciated running against a “phenomenal” candidate, Jonah Feigleson.

“Everybody who voted for me, thank you,” Packer said. “Those who didn’t, I hope I can still be an advocate for you guys. I hope that I can do the best I can do and be your guys’s voice.”

— darcy.ritchie@usu.edu

Featured photo by Paige Johnson