
Everybody wins

Livia Mendenhall

Many students came together to host the Special Olympics Invitational on Nov. 3.

Students volunteered through the Val R. Christensen Service Center and attended training the week before the invitational.

Team hosts worked individually with specific teams all day, while other students just came for a few hours at a time. There was even training held during the events for last-minute volunteers.

It all began Saturday morning when athletes came in teams from all over Utah to compete in swimming and basketball.

Volunteers arrived early to get ready for the events.

Team host Holly Bingham, a sophomore, said, “This is my second time doing the invitational. I just love to see the athletes’ faces when they get all excited. I just love it.”

The invitational started with an opening ceremony. It was conducted by Jimmy Moore, associate director of Recruitment/ Enrollment Services, and began with a flag ceremony.

Utah State University football player Nate Putnam was the keynote speaker for the day. He spoke of the persistence and stamina needed to participate in the competitions.

He told the athletes to step up because “greatness isn’t achieved in one day.”

The athletes embody the entire spirit of the program.

Coach Kirk Holman said, “Their courage, attitude and diligence are examples to me. They’re the bigger heroes to me than I could ever be to them. They truly are angels.”

In conclusion, Putnam challenged the audience to become better.

“Let us all aspire to be higher, let us all light the fire,” he said.

USU basketball player Mike Pusey and Special Olympics athlete Janet Jensen presented the Olympic oath in which coaches, volunteers, coordinators and all involved promised to follow the rules.

The athletes stood and gave their oath, “Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”

Opening ceremonies concluded with the running of the torch by Bradley Judy, a Special Olympics athlete.

After the opening ceremonies, the teams went to their events. Swimming events were held in the HPER Building pools while the basketball tournament was held in the Fieldhouse.

One of the gold medal teams was the North Davis Comets.

Kirby Christensen, father of one of the athletes, said, “They played with a lot of teamwork and were very focused. They had a great time tonight.”

Volunteer referee Doug Kingsford said, “People that play organized basketball should have to come and look at this and see what it’s like to play for fun.”

At noon the participants came together for lunch and entertainment. There were special performances by Chorduroy, Lokal Grown and others.

“I love it. I don’t even know if I can put it into words. I’ve never found anything so rewarding. They [the athletes] really get into it. I’d recommend it,” said Troy Olsen, Weber State University volunteer coach.

Shadow, a South Davis Comets Special Olympics athlete, swims as part of the 15-meter floatation race. (Livia Mendenhall )