Fast and Loose ties Oneders

JB ENGLER, Statesman intern


Co-rec intramural indoor soccer teams Fast and Loose and Oneders faced off Tuesday night only to end in a stalemate at 8’s.

The Fast and Loose began the first half with a 3-0 lead, but the momentum turned halfway through the first half. Oneders took control and carried a 5-3 lead into halftime. Four Oneder goals were scored by sophomore Louis Patino.

“We had him come strait from Mexico to play for us,” Oneder Jared Jensen said of his teammate’s six-goal performance.

The second half didn’t bring any change in momentum right away, as the Oneders kept it going and scored another two goals without any retaliation from Fast and Loose, bringing the score to 7-3.

Fast and Loose’s Mckenzie Johnson scored first for her side in the back half, which opened the floodgates for her team. The next two goals came with almost no resistance and seemed to boost team spirits and adrenaline.

“Our goalie fell asleep,” Jensen said.

The next goal took some time and effort to achieve for Fast and Loose. After a number of shots for both teams, Johnson took a pop from just beyond the penalty area to find the net, tying it up 7-7, with three minutes left in the game.

The Oneders took no time in taking back the lead from a well-placed shot from Jensen’s foot.

Fast and Loose retaliated with its own return goal from the far corner, knotting the game up once again.

Neither team could pull out a goal in the final minutes of play, and both teams were forced to end  the match in compromise.

“I’m ticked,” Jensen said, citing a three-goal lead in the first half and poor defense as reasons his team should have won.

“We played well, I think,” Johnson said.

Jensen said he thought Fast and Loose did a good job passing and especially used fancy footwork.

Johnson also pointed out how her team Fast and Loose used no substitutions, opposed to the Oneders, who had one available to keep the side from exhaustion.

On top of that, she said, Fast and Loose has no set keeper and rotates through the position, despite the fact no one has experience in the box.

“It was pretty exciting,” Johnson said. “It was a good matchup.”