Final rugby game of the season Saturday

Chad S. Morris

In their final game of the season, Utah State University women’s rugby team will go for a third win over Weber State University Saturday at 11 a.m. on the HPER Field.

Having defeated the Wildcats in two tournaments this season, one of which was last week, the Aggies are confident they will end the season with a win.

“I think that we’re going to win because we’ve played them already and we know what to expect,” captain Lauren Dreitzler said.

“It’s nice that we have a week to rest,” she said. “One of our problems in the last game is that we had a really new back line, and then a lot of our forward pack got injured.”

Dreitzler said she recognizes that tournament games and regular season games can be completely different and her team still needs to prepare for the Wildcats.

“It’s not one of those games that we stress out about,” Dreitzler said. “Yet, we can lose and we have lost to them in past years.”

It’s a great game to end on because it will get the teams confidence up for next season, Dreitzler said. Just about every player is expected to return in the spring, she said, and this season’s experience will do a lot for the team.

Considering the fact that Gill is the only senior on the team, Dreitzler said, the Aggies feel great about this year’s season.

“It was a great learning experience, especially because of the California trip we took,” Dreitzler said. “We grew a lot being on the team.”

The Aggies consider their team unity to be part of the reason they had such a great learning experience, Dreitzler said. The players tried to make everyone feel welcome by hanging out as friends and watching videos together, she said.

Pleased with the support they have received from the fans, Dreitzler said they hope to have even more fans out Saturday for their final season game.