Finals week survival guide

It’s the home stretch for college students around the country. The week that is feared by many. Finals week is here. Instead of feeling like a college dropout at the end of this semester, here are some ideas to totally conquer finals week.


To begin preparing for finals week, one of the biggest tips is to schedule. This means scheduling tests in advance at the testing center. It gets very busy this time of year because all students are trying to test at the same time. Scheduling a time in advance will ensure a student receives their preferred time for testing and eliminates some stress. Schedule what days certain projects and subjects are going to be studied. Going into the week with a solid plan will guide students through the subjects they need to cover. Scheduling and prioritizing time will become a students lifeline.

Treat yo’ self (Also known as “Take care of yourself”)

During this busy time, many students forget to take care of their mental and physical health. Chugging energy drinks and staying late into the night in the library may sound like a good idea in theory, but in practice it can be very detrimental to one’s health. Take time to go to bed at a normal time. It is recommended to receive five to seven hours of sleep at night. It is equally important to make sure a student is eating. Whether it’s eating snacks periodically or pausing for a meal, staying on top of an eating schedule will help them stay more alert while studying. Lastly, a student’s brain is going to be on overload at this time. Make sure to take breaks between tests and studying to allow the brain to decompress and reset for the next task.

Find the focus

Every student responds to studying in a different way. It is important to find the method for finding focus. One way to efficiently study a subject is through flashcards. The repetition and memorization can prove to be a great way to fully learn a topic. Other students respond really well to studying in a group setting. Going over things and talking it out with a group can help clear up any questions as well. Lastly, just old fashioned reading through notes and text is a way that works best for some students. No matter what way works, just studying at all will help a student be successful during this time.

Ask for help

No matter what university a student is attending, there are many resources they can turn to to help them get through finals week. Make sure to ask friends, professors and whoever else for help. A student may just learn something they didn’t know before that will be the key to their success. Here are some important resources available to students at Utah State University:



