Finding love in the sky is a science

Robert McKenzie

Valentine’s Day is here and many may be wondering who their true love could be.

For thousands of years, many have relied on astrology to find their true love. There are many kinds of zodiac that have been used, the most common in the West being the western zodiac. Astrology has been around longer than any of the organized religions practiced. Even before the first known writings of man, there was astrology, Chad Wright, a graduate student in history, said.

According to, “On the whole, it must have been man’s natural reverence for the magical, strange moving lights in the sky, regarded as gods, that led to the development of astrology.

“Out of the thick mists that conceal the earliest history of the subject have come down to us a number of cuneiform tablets – brick and stone slabs inscribed with triangular or wedge-shaped characters – recording the very simplest astronomical phenomena: Eclipses of the Moon, certain planetary movements, interpreted as predicting famine or war or peace or plenty.”

Wright said, “Astrology is meant to be a guide and a motivation, in terms of compatibility and relationships, that’s where it gets complicated.”

Coupling, on the western zodiac is based on a geometric design of the wheel, he said. In addition to the aspect of the geometry of the wheel, tradition may also play a very important role in how information is translated. As in all things, the translation mostly just depends on the person reading the signs.

Although what is said may or may not be true, in many cases this truth depends on whether or not one makes the attempt to use the prediction as a guide and motivator, Wright said. And with the thought of love staying constant in the air, many will turn to astrology for insight on what to look for.

However in the 21st century, many people are becoming more and more skeptical about the use of psychics and astrology, he said.

“Mysticism is the best way to prove it,” Wright said. “It’s ambiguous for a reason, occasionally it will just be a glimpse in the form of déjà vu.”

According to, “Progress is being made. The Astrological Association in Britain and the American Federation of Astrologers hold annual conferences as well as weekly meetings; certainly theories are aired that seem decidedly ‘chintzy,’ but a great deal of serious work is also done. Correlation, a regular journal published by the Astrological Association, is probably the most serious periodical in the history of the subject.

“In London recently as many as 400 astrologers and students met for an evening’s study, on a serious level; and there are regular meetings and conferences in most western countries, many of them international. The British Faculty of Astrological Studies holds classes in London and has a correspondence course which has been taken by students in most countries of the world.

“Its final examination involves several papers, and there is a high and rigorous standard of marking, with relatively few passes

each year.”

Clair Ravenswick, a local psychic, said, “Information on love and compatability can be very complicated.”

In relationships based on the zodiac, elements like fire and water can burn out quickly, she said. People should look for attributes they like, but astrological signs give great ways to approach a certain type in regards to weaknesses and strengths.

“Two of the same elements in a relationship will fry each other out, Ravenswick said.

“Things that are going on in ones life could be affecting their relationship. Readings can help give one a good idea of how stress is affecting their life, sometimes people are looking too hard for love. The best way to find love is just to stop looking.”