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Five new positions added to Title IX and related offices

Utah State University is adding five new university-funded positions to the Title IX, Student Affairs, and Sexual Assault and Anti-Violence Information offices as part of an effort to address sexual violence on campus.

The position of Title IX Coordinator and Affirmative Action Director has been split into two separate positions to provide additional oversight of the office’s compliance with university policy and federal and state laws. Amanda DeRito, the sexual misconduct information and outreach coordinator, said USU is in the process of interviewing candidates for both positions.
“Over the last year, USU has examined prevention efforts, how we support survivors of sexual violence on our campus, and the Title IX reporting process,” DeRito said. “All of these positions were created in order to better prevent sexual violence and to better respond to it when it happens in our community.”

These changes follow Stacy Sturgeon’s replacement as Title IX Coordinator and AAEO Director last spring, after claims of harassment within the piano program were investigated. Former AAEO specialist and detective for the Logan Police Department Scott Bodily currently serves as the interim coordinator.

The AAEO office also created a new prevention specialist position at the recommendation of the Sexual Violence Prevention, Education, and Training Working Group, part of the Sexual Violence Task Force headed by President Noelle Cockett. The position will be filled by Emmalee Fishburn starting Thursday. Fishburn will work with the SAAVI office and Sexual Misconduct Implementation and Coordination committee to lead strategic sexual violence prevention efforts, DeRito said.

The SAAVI office created two new positions, including a therapist and a prevention and education specialist. The therapist will work to provide additional support for survivors while the specialist will lead outreach events, including the Start By Believing campaign. DeRito said the work in these two positions was done last year through grant-funding but is now funded by the university. Both positions have yet to be filled.

The Student Affairs created a Fraternity and Sorority Life Coordinator position over the summer to oversee training programs for FSL organizations and ensure they are compliant with USU policies. Paige Eidenschink filled this position on August 21. According to a July press release from President Cockett, FSL chapters are required to apply for recognition as official student organizations so they can be held to the same standards of conduct as other student organizations.

