The Alchemist

Five ‘The Alchemist’ quotes to live by

Since its publication in 1988, Paulo Coelho’s allegorical novel “The Alchemist” has been an international bestseller. Now considered a modern classic, the story follows a young Andalusian shepherd who, after having a recurring dream interpreted by a Gyspy fortune teller, sells his herd to pursue treasure buried at the Pyramids of Giza. 

With simple prose and a fast-paced plot, there are many thought-provoking concepts concerning fate, destiny and how one leads their life. Coelho himself described it as more of a self-help book than literature. 

Here are five quotes from “The Alchemist” everyone should incorporate into their lives:

1.“It’s not what enters men’s mouths that’s evil … it’s what comes out of their mouths that is.” 

Speech is a quick way to decipher someone’s character. Actions may speak louder than words, but words are often just as telling. 

Be aware of how the things you say affect others in case you are causing unintentional harm. Similarly, pay attention to how others affect you. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or unwanted through their speech, make them aware of it or remove them from your life. 

  1. “Every blessing ignored becomes a curse.”

Life offers numerous opportunities both socially, academically, career-wise and beyond. Take advantage of them as they fall in your path because missed opportunities can grow into regrets that create unnecessary obstacles. 

Don’t let yourself be stopped by doubt or fear of failure. Live in the moment and take what life gives you, so when you look back you can be happy with the results. 

3.“It’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary.” 

While you claim you’re too busy to notice anything beyond school, work and relationships, there is so much beauty, life and happiness you’re missing around you. Take time to step back and notice the mundanities of life — wildflowers peeking through sidewalk cracks, sunsets over the mountains, full moons amidst a sea of stars, driving with the windows down. The peace and catharsis awaiting you might be surprising. 

4.“When each day is the same as the next, it’s because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises.” 

It’s so easy to fall into rhythms of life. Though consistent schedules are wonderful for productivity and stability, it’s easy to become so grounded in them you forget to live, to be spontaneous, to lift your head from work and take advantage of what’s in front of you. 

Every day is unique whether you notice or not. Take the time to notice. 

5.“If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And, if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better.”

A lot of life is beyond your control. You can only make plans so far in advance, and even then life often changes them. Don’t get so worked up over unforeseen futures you forget to live in the present. Be present and work to make your current situation as best as it can be. The future will follow suit. 

Things will work out — they always do — so long as you are prepared.


Dara Lusk was born and raised in northern Virginia outside of Washington, DC. She is majoring in English with an emphasis in Technical/Professional Writing and a minor in Anthropology. When not writing she loves reading and annotating classic literature.

