Windcaves_1st_Hike (2)

Five things to do in Logan during the summer (COVID-19 edition)

When I came up to Logan last year for summer school, I was shocked by the desolation. Perhaps I thought a lot more students would have done summer school, but Logan seemed like a ghost town. And, while the summer weather in Logan is absolutely beautiful, it can understandably be a lonely and melancholy place for a student. During the semester, I tried continually to keep myself occupied and do fun things. So, while the circumstances might be different this summer due to COVID-19, here are five things that to do during the summer semester.


USU Housing

1. Hot tubbing. One of the biggest challenges with the summer semester is meeting people. If you live at an apartment complex with a hot tub, or have a friend that has permission to invite friends to their apartment’s hot tub, it’s a great way to meet people. While campus was near empty during the day, the hot tubs usually had quite a few people at night. It’s a great way to soak away your anxieties.


AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis

2. McDonald’s. The Logan McDonald’s has become a local hangout. It’s the only restaurant in the area I can remember that attracts so many college students in droves. It’s a great place to sit down with friends, have some quality cheap food and possibly meet people. McDonald’s often gets a bad wrap because of old stigmas due to shows like “Supersize Me,” but the truth is that the McDonald’s of recent years is a high quality establishment. It’s the apex of free market driven fast food. It’s crazy that for less than $2 someone can buy a meal tastier than the richest man in the world from the middle ages could even imagine. The franchise is even Kanye West’s favorite restaurant.


Kristian Fors

3. The great outdoors. One of the greatest benefits of living in Logan is the open access to such a plentiful array of natural beauty. Logan canyon is beautiful and contains a lot to see and do. It has numerous hikes, a river which is fun to wade in and is a great spot for stargazing at night. There’s so many natural wonders surrounding Logan that what you should do and see really depends on what you’re interested in.



Utah Gov

4. Bear Lake. In a similar vein, Bear Lake is very fun to visit during the summer. The water is surprisingly warm and it’s a scenic little town. The Bear Lake milkshakes are personally the tastiest I have ever had in my life. I especially like the milkshakes at the gas station located right near the exit to Bear Lake from Logan Canyon. Regardless, it’s a very fun way to spend time with friends and certainly contributes to the classic American midwestern aesthetic.



Samantha Behl


5. Exercise and improve yourself. We often view boredom as a bad thing, but it can also be incredibly motivating. If you decide to channel your new found freetime in a productive way you can accomplish a lot over a three month time frame. Why not go to the Aggie Recreation Center and try to become as fit as possible? Why not try experimenting with your diet to see what works best for you? Why not learn a language? The human capacity for self-improvement is near limitless, and there is always something we could be doing better. Perhaps, you can use this time productively, and see how far you can push yourself this summer!

