Flawed logic against homosexuals



I would like to make a few comments regarding a few of the letters to the editor published in the Statesman on October 16th. Having many friends who are homosexual, I found that the letters that were published were rather flawed in their logic.

I found that the letter written and submitted by Collin Robinson had less to do with the Pride! Alliances beliefs or actions, and more along the lines of “front page envy”. I congratulate him on his recent achievement on winning the annual Kappa Delta Star Search, but I don’t think that winning this talent search contest gives him any valid right to be published on the front page of the Statesman. But since Mr. Robinson seems to be setting the standard for front page publication, I think that he should live by it as well. Therefore…we should publish his picture on the front page of the Statesman…when he solves the problem of world hunger, or better yet, helps us win football games.

In regards to the letter written by M. Craig Larson, I agree with the fact that minorities do not deserve any special attention. Interestingly enough, February is ‘Black History Month’, and in this country, African Americans are at a minority. Does this mean that African Americans are getting special attention? Does this mean that we need to have a “White History Month”, or should we just get rid of ‘Black History Month’ altogether. I feel that it is important that we recognize African American history and what they have had to go through in this country…it may help future generations from repeating these mistakes. Sorry to say, but there is no difference in ‘Black History Month’ and ‘National Coming Out Day’. If you’re going to get rid of one of these, you might as well get rid of all non-national holidays.

My opinion is: let people be people. Let them be what they want to be as long as it doesn’t hurt you. Let them decide what is O.K. for them.

Scott Astin
