Food service kiosk coming to Engineering building

Jodi Petersen

Food Services is in the process of planning a new food outlet to be built in the breezeway of the Engineering Laboratory Building.

As of now, it will be a kiosk serving Hazel’s bread, sandwiches, soup and some pre-made entrees. The exact menu is currently being developed, said Alan Andersen, assistant manager of Housing and Food Services. When that has been approved, the logistics and mechanics of the operation will be considered.

“We are shooting for the end of October to have the plans completed,” Andersen said. “If everything goes well, the kiosk should be open for business by the end of this semester.”

Andersen said Food Services has always been looking for ways to expand in order to meet the needs of the campus community. With it’s available space and history, the Breezeway is a favorable option. Four years ago, a food service facility operated in the Breezeway but was not very successful. Andersen said the new food outlet is more promising.

“It will have a better product mix, with more food that appeals to the public,” Andersen said.

He said Food Services is more prepared to face the challenges which come with implementing a food outlet at this location, and are exploring options which do not require a lot of electricity, are easily transported and comply with the fire code.

“It’s a great idea. It will allow students to get food without having to run across campus to the student center,” said Karl Lemon, a freshman majoring in business.

“A lot of people will benefit from it. I know I will. I spend all my time in this building,” Nate Friedas, a sophomore in engineering, said.

Andersen said Food Services plans to expand even more in the future.

“Based on the growth at the university, we need to get out beyond the Taggart Student Center. We would like to move into additional buildings. The Breezeway is one area we can do this,” Andersen said.

He said there will also be the possibility for a coffee shop in the Merrill Library when it is rebuilt.

He said Food Services wants to meet the needs of the students and faculty and encourages any ideas or suggestions they may have.

“We would love to hear ideas. Since we are still in the planning process for the Breezeway, now is a good time to give input,” Andersen said.

Ideas and suggestions can be e-mailed to Andersen at Petersen

staff writer

Food Service Kiosk Coming to the Engineering Building

Students on the east side of campus will not be hindered by hunger pangs anymore. The students and faculty with too little time between classes to make the trek to the Taggart Student Center will have another option.

Food Services is in the process of planning a new food outlet to be built in the breezeway of the Engineering Laboratory Building.

As of now, it will be a kiosk serving Hazel’s bread, sandwiches, soup and some pre-made entrees. The exact menu is currently being developed, said Alan Andersen, assistant manager of Housing and Food Services. When that has been approved, the logistics and mechanics of the operation will be considered.

“We are shooting for the end of October to have the plans completed,” Andersen said. “If everything goes well, the kiosk should be open for business by the end of this semester.”

Andersen said Food Services has always been looking for ways to expand the business to meet the needs of the campus community. With it’s available space and history, the Breezeway is a favorable option. Four years ago, a food service facility operated in the Breezeway but was not very successful. Andersen said the new food outlet is more promising.

“It will have a better product mix, with more food that appeals to the public,” Andersen said.

He said Food Services is more prepared to face the challenges which come with implementing a food outlet at this location. Andersen said they are exploring options which do not require a lot of electricity, are easily transported and comply with the fire code.

“It’s a great idea. It will allow students to get food without having to run across campus to the student center,” Karl Lemon, a business freshman, said.

“A lot of people will benefit from it. I know I will. I spend all my time in this building,” Nate Friedas, a sophomore in engineering, said.

Andersen said Food Services plans to expand even more in the future.

“Based on the growth at the university, we need to get out beyond the Taggart Student Center. We would like to move into additional buildings. The Breezeway is one area we can do this,” Andersen said.

Andersen said there will also be the possibility for a coffee shop in the Merrill Library when it is rebuilt.

He said Food Services wants to meet the needs of the students and faculty and encourages any ideas or suggestions they may have.

“We would love to hear ideas. Since we are still in the planning process for the Breezeway, now is a good time to give input,” Andersen said.

You can e-mail your ideas and suggestions to Andersen at