Utah State University Media Relations

Johnny Chicago is in Sing Sing. Addy, Johnny’s girlfriend, is running around with Chas Courtney. Nicky Vanderrnorgan is in love with Addy, much to the chagrin of his wealthy uncle, Julian. By the way, Julian is going broke. The characters of Tony Langdon’s play, “Tarnished Silver,” have problems, to be certain, but the characters aren’t half as interesting as the cast playing them.

Sound a little complicated? Everything will be made clear in the Utah State Theatre production of “Footlight Frenzy,” where we see the backstage clamor and the community theatre cast’s attempt to bring Langdon’s production to life. The personal lives of those involved and their talent – or lack thereof- keep everything sliding along the edge of self-destruction in this play-within-a-play.

“Footlight Frenzy” is a farce by Ron House, Diz White, Alan Shearman and Bud Slocumb. The production plays tonight, Saturday, Monday and April 18 through 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the Morgan Theatre of the Chase Fine Arts Center on Utah State University’s campus.

“What’s really fun about this play is that we have amateurs with very limited abilities trying to put up a play,” said director Kevin Doyle. “Our Utah State actors get to do things actors are always trained not to do and play them up for laughs. Farces are fun for that.”

Tickets are now available at the Spectrum Ticket Office, 797-0305, at the Customer Service Center of the Taggart Student Center, Room 212 (8 am. to 5 p.m.) and at the door, although patrons are encouraged to arrive early for best seating. Tickets are $8 for adults, $6 for USU Faculty/Staff and senior citizens, and $5 for youth under 16 and non-USU students. USU students are admitted free with valid ID. Children under four will not be admitted.