Fortune favors bold women

Cale Patterson

This one is for the ladies out there. We men complain nearly constantly about not knowing what in the heck is going on your head. You are complicated, confusing and sometimes crazy. If only there was a study guide for every woman. Sheesh.
You complain about us too. We are stupid. We are insensitive and we don’t pick up on your signals. You’re right, I know.
Despite these issues, I have a partial solution for you foxy females out there. Here it is: man up!
Alright, before you burn everything from this article but my byline to hunt me down and hurt me, hear me out.
Women expect men to do everything in dating. The guy is expected to ask the girl out, to take her to dinner, to open her door, pursue a relationship, sweep her off her feet, buy a ring and propose in some spectacular way. So what do you have to do?
I have a proposal for you, and I will speak for all men out there who hopefully aren’t jerks. I will do it all. I will take you to dinner. I will open your door. I will buy you a ring. I will do that marriage thing in the way you want me to and the way you deserve. But help me out – do something for me – man up.
I have heard from many girls complaints of “creepers” asking them out. I applaud those men for their bravery, and shame on you for saying yes. Girls are trained from high school to never say “no” to a guy, because everyone deserves a chance. This is true, but if you know you don’t want to go out with a particular guy, man up and tell him. You are not doing yourself or him any favors by accepting a date with someone you know has no relationship potential with you.
“Well, I like to get asked out. If I say no, then guys won’t ask me out anymore,” you say. Yeah, I know you like to get asked out, but not by him, right? Here is the solution for you to get asked out by the guys that you really want to go out with: man up!
If you want to go out with me, and when I say me I mean us, why don’t you let me know? It takes no more courage for you to say, “Hey, you should ask me out” than it does for him to say, “Hey, want to go out with me?” Yet you put it all on him. Then you say “yes” when you shouldn’t, he is confused and then you complain about it.
If you man up and let a guy know that you’re interested, it takes a lot less courage for him to ask you on a date. And, when he does ask you out, it is clear that he is interested also.
Is that so much to ask, when so much is expected of us? Honestly, I don’t begrudge any of the things that men are expected to do because you genuinely deserve it, and a lot more, but if you girls would do that one small thing and man up, dating would be a lot less confusing and much more fulfilling for everybody.

Cale is a single sophomore majoring in journalism and communication. When he isn’t paddling his relationship kayak alone, he enjoys learning about the female species and observing their crafty ways. Cale aspires to eventually be swept off his feet and proposed to by the girl of his dreams, and then wake up, man up and go find her.