‘Freddy’ a definite thumbs down

Travis Call

This movie has inspired many writers to compose long, puritanical articles on the degradation of society. Critics like to do that – especially when a film’s content reaches an all-time low.

I remember reading about “Crash,” a movie about a couple that got sexual kicks by wrecking cars. It’s likely that most readers have never heard of this film. How about the much publicized “The Last Temptation of Christ,” a movie once famous for ticking off the Christian power-elite? I’ve never seen it in anybody’s collection. Despite all the controversy generated by films like these, they all share one thing in common – they’re quickly forgotten.

“Freddy Got Fingered” is guaranteed to suffer the same fate. Sure, it’s big stuff right now, but in a few short months it will release on video to disappointing sales. Why? Because people only want to see this kind of movie once – if they want to see it at all. The kind of crowd that frequents shock flicks has the attention span of a glue-sniffing gnat. By the time “Freddy Got Fingered” reaches store shelves it will have been surpassed by something worse.

Still, I don’t envy the poor sucker who gets the job of one-upping Tom Green. Tom seems to have no limits, except those imposed on him by the groups who wanted to give his film the dreaded NC-17 rating. In the few times I’ve seen him in action, he’s pretended to swallow live mice, grab a horse where a horse shouldn’t be grabbed, film every intimate detail of his bout with testicular cancer, lick a compound fracture and throw a severed animal head into his parents’ bed (with them in it).

Tom’s greatest talent (if you can call it a talent) is his disregard for all things polite and socially correct. He is only a marginally good actor who lacks the necessary control to do comedy well. Instead he comes off like a junior high school flunky who is trying to win friends by being the loudest, most obnoxious kid in class.

He should be thankful for MTV. Without it, guys like Green would still be getting beat up for their lunch money and being forced to eat the pink “mints” out of the urinals in the boys bathroom. Now all they have to do is be willing to “take it to the next level” and they are guaranteed their 15 minutes and a cameo appearance on “TRL.”

As for “Freddy Got Fingered,” I will give it as much press as the film deserves, tailoring my remarks for the audience it is certain to draw. Here goes – It really, really sucks, dude. Don’t go.

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