Freedom of Choice?

In the debate on abortion rights, I have heard the term ‘freedom of choice’ used a lot. Usually it is used only in the sense that makes it convenient to who ever is using it.Except in cases of rape and/or abuse, the parties involved have made their choice before a pregnancy starts. The freedom is in the choice to engage in sexual activity or not, or whether or not to engage in it responsibly. The freedom is not in the choice of killing an inocent person. In many cases abortion is an abrogation of personal responsability. It is not an expression of freedom, sexual or otherwise.If pregnancy is not something you want, you must way the risks even of engaging in protected, ‘safe’ sex (I mean both men and women here). Nothing is 100% safe. Accept the responsibility for your choices.As noted at the beginning, there are situations in where abortion should be considered, but they should be the rare exception, not the rule. Again, understand where the real choice lies.

Jonathan Abbott 563-3214