The Friends of Utah State University Libraries, a volunteer support organization, once again offers a summer lecture series that features a variety of campus experts on an array of subjects, announced series coordinator JoAnn Murphy. The 2001 series begins June 21 and continues weekly until July 26. Lecture topics range from physics to music to water issues in the West.

All lectures are held on the Utah State campus in the Biology-Natural Resources Building (BNR) room 102, and begin at 4:30 p.m. Admission is free for those holding a Summer Citizen Card or a Friends of USU Libraries identification card. Admission for all others is $3.

All speakers in the series are faculty or staff members at Utah State, and bring their own expertise and perspective to a subject, Murphy said. The schedule and list of this year’s speakers and topics include:

June 21, “Predation Management for Livestock and Wildlife Protection,” Russ Mason, research professor of fisheries and wildlife, biology and psychology and the field station leader for the USDA/APHIS/WS Predation Ecology Project.

June 28, “Some Social Implications of Hazardous Waste Disposal in the United States,” Richard S. Krannich, professor of sociology.

July 5, “Therapeutic Uses of Music for Older Adults,” Elizabeth York, director music therapy program.

July 12, “Learning From Recent Earthquakes,” Marv Halling, associate professor of civil engineering.

July 19, “Preserving Your Family Photographs,” Daniel M. Davis, photo librarian, Special Collections and Archives.

July 26, “Water Development in the West,” Steve Sturgeon, manuscript librarian Special Collections and Archives and Bob Parsons, university archivist, Special Collections and Archives.

For information on the Friends of USU Libraries Summer Lecture Series, contact Murphy at (435) 797-1478.