Fund-raising raffle will benefit DRC

Will Bettmann

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is holding a fund-raising raffle to benefit both the Disability Resource Center (DRC) and the Human Resource Games, a statewide competition involving HR students.

The raffle prizes, donated by local businesses, include a free night’s stay at the Anniversary Inn, a basketball signed by the 2000-01 USU basketball team and a number of other prizes.

Tickets will be on sale until the date of the raffle, Feb. 24, which is also the day the HR games will be held.

Al Warnick, executive in residence for the Management and Human Resources department and adviser to SHRM, said one of SHRM’s students came up with the idea of raising money for the DRC.

“It came to our attention that the DRC needed funding, so we decided to do something that would raise money for the HR games and the DRC at the same time,” Warnick said.

Diane Hardman, director of the DRC, said she appreciates all the support the DRC has received.

“In November, Chi Omega held a fund-raising dance for us, and we used that money to buy assistive technology that we really needed,” Hardman said. “For example, right now we need a TV and VCR, but there’s no money in our budget for that. We really appreciate what SHRM is doing.”

The DRC is still waiting to hear if the Utah State Legislature will give them adequate funding for next year. The Higher Education Appropriation Committee is expected to vote on the issue shortly.