Funds awarded to USU for scholarships

Marcy Kamerath

Utah State University was presented with a $1,500 scholarship by the Pacific West Cancer Fund which will be awarded to students who are surviving the battle with cancer.

“Pacific West Cancer Fund distributes this award to a number of higher-education institutions throughout the nation,” Marie Atkinson, scholarship counselor at USU, said.

“By establishing this program and funding the scholarships, the board hopes to bring others to adopt a lifestyle that will allow them to avoid the heartache of a dreadful disease and the ultimate interruption it causes in one’s life,” said Christy Crandall, executive office manager for Pacific West.

Just who and how many recipients of the award there will be is still under discussion.

“This amount is intended to be for one individual, expanded over an academic year, however it may be allocated for less time and for two or more individuals as determined by your assessment of needs,” Crandall said.

The application consisted of medical evidence of diagnosis and treatment, a personal letter from the applicant, at least two letters of recommendation, and a transcript of academic records.

Fourteen applications were received as of the deadline on Nov. 2. To undergo the process of assessment a committee of three was formed. The members consist of the director of Financial Aid Judy LeCheminant, along with Atkinson, and Student Health Services Administrative Nurse Judy Baldwin, Atkinson said.

“We have our selection narrowed down to two applicants. Right now, we are waiting for further medical documentation which will then help us determine if the scholarship will be awarded to just one or two individuals,” Atkinson said.

We hope for this award to assist the goals of Pacific West Cancer Fund, by making the public more aware of the prevalence of cancer in our society while at the same time aiding those who are the survivors, Atkinson said.