Gay issue about more than discrimination, require serious debate

L. Mont Poulsen

When two societies come together, they must first understand the impact they will have on one another, lest they misunderstand and contend. Heterosexuals may be homophobic because they do not understand how the two societies are to co-exist. What does it mean to be tolerant to the homosexual way of life? For instance: 1. Is it OK for a 17-year-old boy to ask a 16-year-old-boy to dance? 2. Is it OK for a 17-year-old boy to court, (try to win the affections of) a 16- year-old- boy? 3. Is it OK for a 17-year-old boy to flirt with a 16-year-old boy? 4. Is it OK for a 17-year-old homosexual boy to try to persuade a 16-year-old boy to become homosexual? 5. Is it OK to require a 16-year-old boy to undress in front of and shower with four 17-year-old homosexual boys in a locker room? It seems that for homosexuals to be equal to heterosexuals, they must be able to express their affections to the total population as the heterosexuals do. Do homosexuals want the right to court heterosexuals? Can this happen without heterosexuals becoming bisexual? How do you foster homosexuality while keeping it separate from heterosexuality? The Feb. 1 Herald Journal (pg.12 ) quoted Sarah Benanti as saying “We [homosexuals] don’t want special rights, just equal rights.” They say this, but their actions betray them. Let me explain by asking two more questions. 6. Is it OK for two 21-year-old heterosexual men (who are sexually attracted to the female anatomy) to take 10 16-year-old girls deep into the Uinta mountains where the girls must bathe in the river? 7. Is it OK for two homosexual 21-year-old-men (who are sexually attracted to the male anatomy) to take 10 16-year-old Boy Scouts on a scout camp deep into the Uinta mountains where the boys must bathe in the river? If two heterosexual men want to take 10 girls deep into the woods for a week, the heterosexual population will publicly shame them as sexually perverted. But if two homosexual men want to take Boy Scouts deep into the woods for a week and the heterosexual population rises up against them, the homosexuals fall as national martyrs. Heterosexuals do not trust themselves in many situations, but homosexuals demand that heterosexuals trust them in these same situations. Please explain this. Let us answer these difficult questions before we force our two societies to “sleep” together.

Mont Poulsen is a Smithfield resident. He is one of two Mont Poulsens in Smithfield. One is a respected cattleman on the west side of town, he is the other one.