Gay Pride Blue Jeans Day

Is there anybody that isn’t bothered by the Gay Pride Blue Jeans day? Whether you are a gay supporter or not, the entire premise is transparent and laughable. The active gay supporter has to live with the fact that someone is making a fool of what he is representing – the passive gay supporter would feel all the more like hiding as they hear their friends making comments about this practice. The active gay protestor is going to be mad that he has to wear his camouflage pants that day and is going to take every opportunity to voice his opinion and belittle anyone trying to defend their views. I have seen it happen.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Blue Jeans days had been instantiated by someone who is against gay pride. If that is the truth, then it was quite successful.

Eventually religion becomes more passive, to adapt to a changing society. We saw it happen with blacks in the local religion, as it became unpopular to discriminate against blacks; and I’m sure, with a bit of luck, we will see it with gays. However, gays and gay-pride supporters are going to need to find a better way to voice their opinions.

Alex Taylor435-755-5110 (Message Only)735-757-5655 (Cell Phone)