Get to know the candidates: ATHLETICS VP

Julie Ann Grosshans


Tyler Olson, a finalist for Athletics vice president, said he is already out in the community making contacts that would put the ball in motion for his office.

“[The people I’ve contacted] told me they’ve never had someone come talk to them before they won the office,” Olson said. “That is one thing, I think, that impressed them.”

He said he has researched his goals and feels they are all obtainable.

* Why should students care about ASUSU?

Olson said he thinks students should care about ASUSU because they elect the people on the board who make decisions on their behalf.

“I think, as a voice for the student body, it’s important for the candidates to represent the school well and the student body as a whole well,” Olson said.

He said he feels he stands above the rest because of his vast experiences with athletics at USU. Olson said he has seen how school spirit is at other universities and knows what needs to be done here to increase it.

One way he wants to do this is through more knowledge of the fight song, which, if elected, he said, he wants to teach to incoming freshmen. This will in turn encourage upperclassmen to learn it, he said.

* What research have you done for your platform?

The biggest thing Olson said he has done is talk to people in charge about his ideas. He said he contacted individuals at the HPER about adding sand volleyball courts, and they said they “really like the idea.”

Olson said he wouldn’t have trouble building them, because he did it for his Eagle Scout project.

“If I can do it for a little podunk church, I can do it for a school,” he said.

He said he has also talked to several students who are for the sand volleyball courts. He said the sport is something anyone who is athletically inclined can do.

* How do your platform and qualifications relate to the position you are running for?

Olson said because of his involvement in athletics, he knows what is going on. Also, with the fight song, he said he knows how to get people motivated to learn it, because he was on the USU Spirit Squad.



Amanda Forman, a finalist for Athletics vice president, said she wants to update and improve the athletic showcase in the HPER Building. Her goal is to do it on a monthly basis to honor all Utah State University athletes.

* Why should students care about ASUSU?

She said the group is an outlet for concerns, but unfortunately a lot of people don’t tell anyone what is bothering them.

At a forum last week, though, Forman said she was asked by the Anthropology Club about athletics and the education side of things. She said she is planning on incorporating the idea into her platform to explain to people why certain groups get money.

“Some people just don’t know the facts,” Forman said. “So let’s make sure everybody does know.”

* What research have you done for your platform?

Living in reality is something Forman said is her No. 1 goal. She said that although she would love to help fund club sports she knows it can’t happen.

“Where does that money come from,” she asked. “It’s just not there. I’d like to stay in the realm of what we can do.”

And what Forman feels is realistic is getting students out to events to support all athletes. She said she feels that is important, especially to teams that don’t necessarily get all of the funding.

She said the issue of the victory bell is continually in the works, which is evident because it has been a platform issue for years.

“I would really like to see it put in,” she said. “Obviously it’s a concern or we wouldn’t see it as an issue every single year.”

* How do your platform and qualifications relate to the position you are running for?

Forman said she has been around athletics for a while through her involvement with the Big Blue Crew and club sports.

* Would your personal involvement with the hockey and lacrosse clubs continue if you are elected?

“Absolutely not,” Forman said. “That’s a huge concern for a lot of people.”

Forman said she told the hockey team at the beginning of the season that running for this office was one of her goals.

“I favor club sports and intramurals because that is where the students are,” Forman said.
