
Getting to know you

* Sleep — 70 percent of people sleep talk

* Dreams — The five most common kinds of dreams are1. Falling2. Being pursued or attacked3. Trying to perform a task4. Work and school activities5. Sex (though some would argue this is a bit more common)

* Napping — Those of you who like to nap will be happy to know you will have a 30 percent less chance to suffer coronary artery disease. Just try not to do it in class too much.

* Eyelashes — They are replaced every three months, and the average person goes through about 600 of them in a lifetime.

*Nostrils — One goes off duty every three to four hours so that one is always smelling and breathing.

*Nose — Women have more sensitive noses than men. A woman may detect musk — a scent associated with male bodies — 100 to 100,000 times more keenly during menstration, when estrogen levels peak.

* Eyes — As much exercise as the eyes get, your legs need to walk 50 miles a day to equate. – About 40 people in the 17,000 on campus have one blue eye and one brown eye. -When one looks at a blue sky, he can see specks, which are outlines of blood vessels in the eye and also floating blood cells and seams in the lens membrane itself.

* Skin — One square inch of skin houses about 19 million cells, 625 sweat glands, 90 oil glands. By age 70, we shed 40 lbs. of dead skin. — Every human’s skin is infested with mites, even on the facial area. They are impossible to wash off and are thought to benefit the skin by cleansing follicles.

* Body weight — The average body is 61.8 percent water 16.6 percent protein 14.9 percent fat 3.3 percent nitrogen 1.81 percent calcium 1.19 percent phosphorous .24 percent potassium .17 percent sodium .041 percent magnesium .0075 percent iron .0028 percent zinc .00014 percent copper .2 percent other stuff

* Temperature — If surrounding air is completely dry, humans can survive a temperature of 266 F for up to 20 minutes.

* Hairy Thumb — During World War II, a wounded soldier got a skin graft to his thumb from a part of his scalp. Yes, it grew hair just like on his head. Later, however, the thumb began to bald at about the same time as the man’s scalp.

* Bones — About every seven years the body grows the equivilent of an entirely new skeleton.

* Spare rib — One out of every 20 people has an extra rib.

* Red blood cells — When stacked upon each other, they make a stack 31,000 miles high.

*Digestion — If food enters at noon, it leaves at 8 a.m. — The body uses more calories in chewing and swallowing a celery stalk than it gets back.

*Intestinal gas — Each human expels about a pint of gas per day in the form of flatulence. — The all-time worst gas producers are gum, carbonated drinks, apple juice, beans, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and turnips.

*Babies — Babies are always born with blue eyes, regardless of race. Pigment changes sometimes within hours of birth and as the baby develops. Most humans end up with brown eyes.

Sun — 80 percent of a person’s lifetime sun exposure comes before age 20.

*Hours spent — How do you spend your time? On average, a human spends 24.5 years sleeping 13.5 years at school and work 12 years watching TV 4.5 years socializing 3 years reading 3 years eating 9.5 months on the toilet 5 months having sex

*Lifetime totals — Quarts of urine expelled — 40,515 Heartbeats — 2,700,000,000 Breaths taken — 740,000,000 Eye blinks — 333,000,000 Sperm produced — 400,000,000,000 Eggs produced — 400 Laughs — 540,000 Cries — 3,000 Dreams and nightmares — 127,500