
Ghosting is not the answer, literally

The art of rejection has always been a difficult and uncomfortable one, but an absolutely necessary part of human interaction. Ghosting is the term given to a new and atrocious form of rejection, in which you simply ignore an individual asking something of you. You treat them as a ghost.

To be clear, ghosting is not only seen in dating, although it is certainly popular in that realm. It can be experienced any time that one person requests something of another. In it’s mildest forms, friends can even ghost by acknowledge plans you try to make with them, but never committing fully. That way when they back out they can claim that they never said they were coming.

Its application in dating, however, can be related to every other instance. When we examine dating in its most primal form, it is a very simple process. One person encounters a person with whom they think they may be compatible. They then work up the courage to express that idea to the other human and, assuming that that idea is well-received, the two spend time together to mutually decide if they are in fact a good fit. We have built and abide by a set of rules in this process we generally refer to as “the game.” The game dictates the proper behavior during every step of the way. The proper way to express your interest, how long you have to wait until you contact the person afterward, the after-date texts you must send and when you send them, the exact amount of forward and not caring, and so on. In all that hubbub, saying no has turned taboo.

When all the games and cultural rules of dating are stripped away, saying no is just one person saying to the other that they don’t feel the compatibility. It is not a failure. It does not mean that one person is of less value than the other. It could even be said that it is a good thing. Both people in the party can move on their way to finding something that will work better for each.

This same idea is applicable in any instance. Simply saying “no” when a request is not something you want to do diffuses the situation and adds clarity for everyone. The only thing you communicate when you ghost is that you can’t communicate effectively.