Governor Olene Walker: Coming together to Pay Tribute to a Remarkable Leader

FOR IMMEDIATE INTERNAL RELEASE This function is open to the press and personal guests are by invitation only. This is NOT a public event. However, should you like to publish prior to the event, the organizers ask that you not submit the time or place for privacy and security reasons. Please contact me for a complete online press kit. Order of Events at close of email.

Contact: Lisa A. Henrie, Public & Media Relations Coordinator For the Professional Republican Women’s Group 801 301-3318

A Path to Follow:

Tribute Honoring the Life and Service of Governor Olene Walker

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Women from all over the State of Utah gather for this unique celebration.

Salt Lake City. (June 8, 2004) Governor Walker’s life will be spotlighted as a path well paved for other women to follow at a luncheon on Saturday, June 19, 2004, Noon to 2:00 PM at the Wells Fargo Center, 299 South Main Street, Floor 23, Salt Lake City. Her commitments to her family and community are demonstrated on many different levels which reflect the times and seasons of a woman’s life. Governor Walker will be the first receipient of a distinctive award presented to her for her mentoring and example she sets for women of all ages. Sponsors of the event include: The Professional Republican Women’s Group, The Children’s Service Society of Utah, The Living Planet Aquarium, The Dream Support Network and Hendrix Consulting.

“This is such an honor for us to participate,” said Beth Beck, EDD, Executive Director of the Children’s Service Society. “Governor Walker is a courageous leader and a great advocate for children, demonstrated by her literacy program and education initiatives on the Hill.”

Governor Walker made Utah history 11 years ago when she became the first female Lieutenant Governor of the State. Last year, she was recognized as the 2003 Utahn of the Year. “I have a real sense of obligation to women who will follow not to just be a caretaker,” said the Governor. (Salt Lake Tribune, December 31, 2003)

“I am so pleased we are paying tribute to Governor Walker who is a leader and mentor to so many, especially women,” said Dianne Yancey, Chairwoman of the Luncheon and Founder/Owner of The Dream Support Network. Her company will present the Governor with the special award. “People who mentor give others the support they need so that they are more likely to achieve their goals, make contributions to their communities and mentor the next generation. It is only fitting that the first award be given to Governor Walker whose example has been a powerful motivator in my own life and who inspired the creation of this award.”

The Living Planet Aquarium has arranged the event décor and will be recognizing the Governor with an extraordinary surprise. Performance by internationally known and award winning recording artist, Wanda Lindstrom will complement the festivities.

Members of the Good Things Utah Team, Nicea Degering and Angie Larsen will be emceeing the event. Keynote speakers are the Walker children; Ms Afton B. Bradshaw, former State Legislator and House Chairwoman; Kathy Hyde, Program Manager and Scott Snow, Executive Director, Utah Commission on Volunteers; and a surprise guest.

“I am thrilled to be a part of this tribute to a great lady,” said Bradshaw. “Olene has certainly provided a ‘path to follow’ for many and surely did for me.” Bradshaw recently was awarded the honorary doctorate of Human Letters by the University of Utah and has her Bachelors in Commercial Education and Masters in American History.

The organizers are keeping certain elements of this event ‘under wraps’ to add to the allure and excitement of the program. The event will conclude with a brief address from Governor Walker. Guests may be received afterward briefly to express their gratitude and well wishes to Governor and Mr. Walker.


Luncheon for Governor Olene Walker

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Noon to 2:00 PM

Wells Fargo Center

299 South Main Street, Floor 23

Salt Lake City

I Welcome Noon

Introductions and Address to Guests-15 mins

i. Recognize Esteemed Guest of Honor, Governor Olene Walker and recognize Mr. Myron Walker.

Assembly to stand while Governor and Mr. Walker enter. Both will enter from the back of the reception area and walk down the red carpet to be seated.

ii. Blessing on the food followed by lunch service and dessert at which time the formal program will begin.

II. Program 12:30 PM-1:00 PM

Introduction of Keynote Speakers

i. The Early Years-Walker children.

ii. Working with Governor Walker-Kathy Hyde Program Manager and Scott Snow, Executive Director, Utah Commission on Volunteers.

iii. The Legislative Years – Former Utah Legislator, Ms. Afton Bradshaw.

iv. The last 11 Years-a Special Surprise Guest.

III. Award and Gift Presentations 1:00 PM

Special performance by Wanda Lindstrom.

Presentation of a distinctive award by Dianne Yancey, Dream Support Network.

Presentation of a gift by Living Planet Aquarium.

IV. Governor Walker Remarks 1:15 PM

V. Conclusion 1:30 PM

Guests to please rise and to remain standing as Governor and Mr. Walker exit. Pair will receive attendees briefly in adjacent reception room.

Lisa A. Henrie

Public & Media Relations CoordinatorProfessional Republican Womens Group

801 301.3318 B801 252.9138 Alt.E-Fax: 801