Greek community, ASUSU kick off WOW with Hawaiian Luau

Mark LaRocco

The Associated Students of Utah State University and the fraternities and sororities of USU held a luau dance Saturday night, where members and possible recruits socialized the night away.

Every fall on the Saturday before school starts, the Greek community kicks of Week of Welcome with a recruitment dance, said Rob Connors, recruitment officer of the Intrafraternal Council. Last year’s dance had a 1980s theme, and this year was a Hawaiian luau. Students donned their tackiest Hawaiian shirts, and some wore leis and grass skirts.

One purpose of the dance was for students to have fun, but Cara Jones, Panhellenic Council recruitment officer, said that there are other reasons as well.

“It’s all part of the recruitment process,” she said.

The fraternities and sororities hope to recruit as many as they can, but Kappa Delta member Amanda Forman said it doesn’t really matter which one a particular student chooses.

“Right now, we’re just trying to get people to go Greek,” said Forman, a senior majoring in family human development.

Many sorority members said they enjoy the camaraderie that exists in their organizations.

“There’s always something to do,” Forman said. “You are never without someone to hang out with.”

Hillary Gobin, an undeclared junior, likes to hang out with the Alpha Chi Omega sorority, although she isn’t officially a member.

“I love dances, so I’m glad to be here,” Gobin said.

A lot of freshmen attended the luau, many without the intention to join a sorority or fraternity.

“I don’t know a lot about [sororities],” said Ashley Hales, an undeclared freshman.

But the recruiters are doing their best to get the word out about sororities.

Liz Brown, a freshman majoring in fashion design, had only been in Logan for one day when she came to the dance. She was pleasantly surprised by the friendliness of the sorority sisters.

“The second I walked in the door I was attacked almost by a recruiter for a sorority,” Brown said, laughing.

Apparently that approach worked.

“I put down my name and e-mail address and they got my phone number,” Brown said.

Anthony Wayman, a sophomore in economics, and member of Delta Sigma Phi, said he enjoys that there’s always something fun going on at fraternities.

“It’s a really cool group of guys,” he said. “I always have fun with them.”

Representatives from the Greek community said they will intensify their recruiting efforts during Greek Week, which starts Monday, Sept. 1.